We are men on a mission!
OUR PRINCIPLES ... 4 Principles, 4 Reasons
The Catholic faith instructs us to follow the commandment, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." As members of the Knights of Columbus, we demonstrate love for our neighbors through various charitable activities. For instance, we organize food drives and donate the collected items to local soup kitchens and food pantries. We also provide both spiritual and material support to mothers who make the courageous choice to give life to their babies and volunteer at Special Olympics events.
The Knights understand that our faith and mission require us to take action. We believe that there is no greater way to experience love and compassion than by reaching out to those in need. This is a calling we respond to with dedication and enthusiasm every day.
As the saying goes, "None of us is as good as all of us." As members of the Knights of Columbus, we understand that we can achieve far more by working together than by acting alone. This is why we remain united and support one another.
Of course, this doesn't imply that we always share the same views or that there is never any disagreement among us. However, what it does mean is that, as a Knight of Columbus, you can rely on the backing and motivation of your fellow Knights as you strive to make a positive impact on your parish and community.
The Knights of Columbus was established by Blessed Michael J. McGivney with the primary aim of supporting widows and children who were left without a breadwinner, often due to premature death.
To this day, the Order remains true to its founding mission through its highly acclaimed insurance program, which provides assistance to those in need. Additionally, individual Knights carry on this tradition by performing good deeds, contributing more than 75.6 million service hours in 2017 alone. This serves as a testament to the enduring bond of brotherhood and mercy that exists among Catholics.
Knights of Columbus members, hailing from countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, the Philippines, Poland, and the Dominican Republic, are unwaveringly patriotic citizens.
We take great pride in our commitment to both God and country and are unafraid to defend them both. Through our actions and words, we demonstrate that Catholics can be staunch supporters of their nations and are among the finest citizens in the world.
Council 10205, St. Thomas More, was chartered by the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus on December 19th, 1989. Our Founding Officers were Raymond (Ray) F. O'Shea [Grand Knight], Jack Lannen [Financial Secretary] and Hap Carpenter [Deputy Grand Knight]. Father Michael Walsh was the first Chaplain and attended every meeting. The founders chose to name the council after the patron St. Thomas More. Council 10205 is affiliated with St. Thomas More Parish in Centennial, Colorado, and currently includes over 300 members.
For over thirty years, council members have donated countless hours of service in support of our Parish and the local community. Our specific areas of focus are Church, Youth, Council, Community and Family. Our members have raised and donated tens of thousands of dollars to various charities and volunteer organizations through Council Bingo programs, Lenten Fish Fry’s, and Bronco ticket raffles.
We support our Seminarians financially and provide sweat labor for members of our community in need. Twice each year, we collect tons of nonperishable food items and gift cards for local food banks. Our annual Parish Italian Night, and Lenten Fish Fry’s have entertained St Thomas More parishioners for years. Our Coats for Kids program provides warm coats and gloves for children on Indian Reservations and local charities. One of our top priorities is the spirituality of our members.
Each meeting begins by reciting the Rosary And all activities begin with prayer. Annual retreats are held for Council members and men of the parish. Council 10205 has won many awards over the years from the Colorado State Council and continues to be one of the leading councils in the state. These activities and many more highlight the Council’s dedication to our Order and the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.
Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism